Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Week 2 - SY Tech High Poly, Low Poly, and Lighting First Pass

For Week 2, I'm ahead and behind in certain ways.  For one, I'm a bit behind on the high poly conversion to low poly, but I jumped into the engine again and messed around with lighting with the finalized assets.

And for the meat of the content, various low poly and high poly pieces.

Here is the current Asset List (Expecting a couple more pieces before final)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Week 1 - SY Tech Incorporated Blockout & Initial Proxies

Hello, here is some progress as of right now with the assets I've been making for this project.  We're about 70% of the way there for the proxies to be done, I would have all of them but my Maya decided to crash on me just as I finished 2 of the models.  Oh well, another progress update later today for the rest. So far we're on track to being on track to being done which is great!  I'm further than I probably would be.

Here is the engine currently on where I am for whitebox pieces being turned into proxy pieces.

Here is the current amount of assets I have.  I'm aiming for another... 7 assets?  Depends on what it ends up looking like after I make the walls if I need more variation.  Anyways, here is the assets I've made so far.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Week 0 Progress Report

Here is my schedule for all 3 projects.

Project 1 (Environment)
Week 1 - Blockout and UE4 Integration
Week 2 - Low Poly and High Poly
Week 3 - UVs and Substance Painter
Week 4 - UE4 Final Integration

Here is my choices for the semester.

Heres the one I picked for the first project.
And here is a whitebox of the scene already in UE4 for scale and proportion.  I'll be setting lighting as well as prepping the engine for the pieces to be integrated before finishing the first asset to make setting things up at the end easier.